

Ahimsa means to do no harm, non-violence, non-harmfulness.

It is one of the Niyamas, the personal observances by which one should live (from the yoga sutras of Patanjali). Ahimsa refers to actions, but also the state of the mind. It is about non-violence in your thoughts and actions towards yourself, as well as each other, and all living beings, and the planet. 

The Heart and The Wild is committed to conducting a business of compassion and promotion of non-harming, of preserving the environment in which we live and play, of sharing tools to help you treat yourself, others and the world with compassion. 

In the crazy over-consumption, busy, isolated, angry, world we live in, ahimsa is a beautiful beacon to follow. It gets it's own page here on the website. There isn't a mission statement, instead there is Ahimsa.

To leave this world in a better place than it was when you entered it is a beautiful way to live a life and the foundation of what we do.