The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.
— John Muir

The Heart and The Wild is all about a life filled with adventure. Of bravery, heart and spirit.
Through yoga, meditation, hiking, camping and wild adventures in nature, you will find your tribe, connect to nature, and most importantly connect to your most true self. It is about holding space for laughter and silence, challenging and surrendering, discomfort and ease. Holding space for all the varied, messy, beautiful parts of you, so that you can find the truth and release what no longer serves you, and open up to receive everything you need for this wild ride called life.

About Rebecca

I have experienced magical transformation on trails and on yoga mats. On the yoga mat I have found the peace I found in nature, and in nature my experiences have deepened through the lessons learned in mindfulness on the mat. In both places I have found beautiful community that holds the space necessary to thrive and connect to my true identity. Sat Nam. Life on the mat is my very best place - sleeping on a mat on the dirt under the stars, moving and connecting through yoga and meditation on my mat at home and in studios. I want to share this with you. To help connect your finite to the infinite. To connect to the universe through the wilderness.